CSV Image file format

The CSV file should be:

  • with , as separator

  • UTF-8 encoded

Each CSV file should containt the following columns (header)


Patient first name. First part of DICOM tag (0010, 0010) Patient's Name.


Patient last name. Second part of DICOM tag (0010, 0010) Patient's Name.


Patient ID. DICOM (0010, 0020) Patient ID tag.


Patient’s gender. DICOM (0010, 0040) Patient's Sex tag.


Patient’s date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format. DICOM (0010, 0030) Patient's Birth Date tag.


First name of orthodontic (or dental) provider. First part of DICOM (0008, 0090) Referring Physician's Name tag.


Last name of orthodontic (or dental) provider. Second part of DICOM (0008, 0090) Referring Physician's Name tag.


Image type as defined by ADA SCDI WP-1100. Type

dicom4ortho list-image-types

for a list of allowed image types.


Manufacturer of Camera. For example, when using an iPhone, use Apple here. Overrides input file’s EXIF metadata.


Full path of flat JPG/PNG/TIFF image file to use as input.


The unique identifier that distinguishes this study from any other study. For orthodontic purposes, all images taken during the same patient visit, should go under the same study, thus have the same study UID.

This is a DICOM UID object and goes into the DICOM (0020, 000d) Study Instance UID tag. The exact format is defined in DICOM Part 5 Data Structures and Encoding - Value Encoding - Value Representation


A description for this specific study. For orthodontic purposes, this value could be something like ‘Initial Visit’.

This is a DICOM UID object and goes into the DICOM (0008, 1030) Study Description. Maximum 64 characters are allowed, as defined the DICOM LO VR


The unique identifier that distinguishes this series from any other series. For orthodontic purposes, all images taken with the same imaging device (for photographs, this would be the camera) and during the same study (hence appointment visit) should be part of the same series, thus have the same series UID.

This is a DICOM UID object and goest into the DICOM (0020, 000e) Series Instance UID tag. The exact format is defined in DICOM Part 5 Data Structures and Encoding - Value Encoding - Value Representation


A description for this specific series. For orthodontic purposes, this value could be something like ‘Orthodontic Intraoral Series’.

This is a DICOM UID object and goes into the DICOM (0008, 103e) Series Description. Maximum 64 characters are allowed, as defined the DICOM LO VR